Sunday, March 12, 2017

This Thing Called Life

Weight: -1 lbs. (Total: -10 lbs.)
Gym: 4/5+1 (5 workouts + 1 optional cardio only)
Mood: Maintaining

"Dearly beloved We are gathered here today
To get through this thing called life."
- Prince, "Let's Go Crazy"

This week "this thing called life" came at me head one and challenged my diet and gym routine. From a day of business meetings in New York to an evening at my son's roller hockey game. So I didn't follow my diet as closely as I should have nor did I get to the gym as often as I should have. But I also realize that diet and the gym cannot define my life. So this past week I was conscious of my diet and gym time but more conscious of celebrating and enjoying the moments life afforded to me.

As I mentioned, I didn't strictly follow my diet this week due to a combination of circumstance and choice. In doing so I realized that moments of indulgence are a good thing. It made me appreciate and savor the moment and the flavors. I remained conscious of my diet and my goals though and ensured I closely followed the diet following the indulgence.

I continued to introduce more free weights into my workout routines this week, including during a new arm workout. I found myself away from the gym for three days due to a rest day and then personal commitments. I had thoughts of abandoning the gym for the remainder of the week and "resetting" next week. But I made a commitment to myself to follow this program and I am determined to do so. So I was back at the gym yesterday and will be there again today to finish out the week and get in four workouts this week.

I was able to lose one pound this week despite a few indulgences and days away from the gym. I have to credit the supplements for this, particularly Glyolog from Blackstone Labs. (Review and more information here.) While I cannot conclusively say this supplement helped minimize the impact of my indulgences, anecdotally it appears to have worked.

I am also very impressed with Hype and Dust from Blackstone Labs as my pre-workout supplements. These give me energy and focus in the gym. I also take BCAA Resurgence and Formula 19 post-workout. I continue to evaluate the effectiveness of these and other supplements I take. I will continue to share my experiences and recommendations in the coming weeks.

End of week 3

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