Sunday, March 5, 2017

Life in the Slow Lane

Weight: -5 lbs. (Total: -9 lbs.)
Gym: 4/5+1 (5 workouts + 1 optional cardio only)
Mood: Energetic / Confident

Last week was about acceleration and getting up to speed. I spent this week continuing to gain speed in the gym and with my diet. I felt confident enough to pull from the shoulder and onto highway, even if it was just the slow lane. Sure there are plenty of people faster and stronger than me in the gym, but I don't worry about what's happening in the fast lanes. My goal now that I've reached the minimum speed for the highway is to get to the speed limit.

There were a couple of challenges this week, including going out to dinner at a pizza and sandwich shop. I found myself carefully reviewing the menu options and making a selection based on what I should be eating and what was available. It was a cheat meal for me but I ate very differently and ate less than I would have prior to starting.

One Tuesday morning I had a chocolate doughnut in celebration of Fat Tuesday or Fastnacht. The taste was flat and even a bit chemically to me. And I felt sluggish shortly after finishing it the doughnut. I was surprised at how quickly my body has adjusted to my new diet and how my body responded to junk food.

My diet goal for this week is to continue to increase my food intake to follow the diet more closely. I'm also going to continue to find and use new spices, seasonings and blends to keep the diet interesting and tasty

I made it to the gym for four out of five workouts this week. While not perfect, that is one more workout than I did last week. That allowed me to introduce a shoulder workout into my weekly routine. I am finding my rhythm in the gym, which for me seems to be two days of workouts followed by one day of rest. If that model continues then I will be alternating between four and five workouts each week.

The biggest impact for me was the introduction of free weights and the Smith Machine this week. The difference was amazing. Free weights allowed me to concentrate more closely on each muscle. I used lighter weights this week so I could learn the proper form. It became obvious quickly by paying attention to my body when my form was off as I would feel pressure or discomfort.

My gym goal for this week is to complete all five workouts and continue to transition from machines to free weights.

My order of supplements arrived from Blackstone Labs on Saturday. So many supplements. I ordered everything recommended by my online coach for my first order and will spend the next month using each supplement and evaluating the effectiveness compared to the claims. It's been only one day to taking supplements so I cannot make any assessments yet.

Thank you to Blackstone Labs and their rep Corey Cubica for a major discount on the order as well as the free tee shirt and swag.

End of Week 2

Pre-program (left), after week one, (center) and after week two (right)

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