Sunday, February 19, 2017

A Single Step

"The journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step."
- Lao Tzu

What am I doing?
I am embarking on a 16 week journey based on a customized exercise and diet program prepared for me by an online coach.

Why am I doing this?
It's a combination of reasons, physical and psychological. Physically, I want to be be in better shape so I can keep up with my teenage boys and live a healthier lifestyle so I can be around for them as long as possible. Psychologically, I want to prove to myself that I have the determination to complete a long-term and difficult project like this. I also want to feel more confident in my appearance, which I hope will lead to an overall improved awareness of self and overall self-confidence.

Why are you putting it online?
I don't know if people will read or care about my story. The main reason I am putting it online is to allow me to document my journey. It is also a tool to hold me accountable. If I know I have to document my progress publicly each week then I am much more likely to stick with the program.

Where are you starting from?
It's not pretty, but it's the truth and it's me. I start the program at 5'6" and 208 lbs with a 36" waist.

What are your goals?
My goals are fat and inches loss, increased upper body strength and an overall more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

What are your first steps?
I begin the exercise and diet program tomorrow. My first steps today are preparation including food shopping and meal prep. I am also attempting to drink one gallon of water today in preparation to do it each day of the program.

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