Sunday, February 26, 2017

Week Zero

Weight: -4 lbs.
Gym: 3/5+1 (5 workouts + 1 optional cardio only)
Mood: Good / Inspired

Even the most fine-tuned sports car cannot instantly go from zero to 60. It needs time to accelerate. My body is anything but fine-tuned. Trying to go from zero to full diet and exercising proved not possible for me. It didn't take long to realize that it wasn't possible and that I needed time to accelerate myself. So this was not week one for me but rather week zero.

The diet is going well overall. The biggest problem is that I am not able to eat all I should each day. I am sure that my appetite will accelerate as my workouts accelerate. Lots of eggs... so many eggs. But I understand why as egg whites are almost pure protein. Only 17 calories per egg white for 3.6 g of protein.

Drinking one gallon of water a day has not been as difficult as I had thought. I am making one minor adjustment and going with a half-gallon container twice vs. the one gallon container I was drinking from.

My goals for this week are to increase my food intake, follow the diet more closely and find creative ways to keep chicken, eggs and brown rice interesting. I also need to introduce fish for Ash Wednesday and Fridays during Lent.

This was definitely a learning week at the gym. I have never used free weights and wasn't ready to start with free weights without a trainer or someone to teach me. So I used machines primarily this week using the program as a guide for muscle groups to work and number of reps and sets.

I did use the Smith Machine for squats on leg day. It was an amazingly different experience. It felt like the muscles were working harder and my heart rate was faster.

My goals for this week are scheduling an appointment with a trainer to become more comfortable with free weights, incorporating more free weights into my work out and getting to the gym at least five times this week.

Supplements are on order. Ordered the entire list of recommended supplements from my coach for the first round. That will give me a chance to use and review them all and determine which supplements I will continue to order as I continue through the program.

Bottom Line
I am proud of myself with myself this week. I could have done more but won't let that diminish the pride over what I accomplished. I'm looking forward to "week one" of the program and taking it even further.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

A Single Step

"The journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step."
- Lao Tzu

What am I doing?
I am embarking on a 16 week journey based on a customized exercise and diet program prepared for me by an online coach.

Why am I doing this?
It's a combination of reasons, physical and psychological. Physically, I want to be be in better shape so I can keep up with my teenage boys and live a healthier lifestyle so I can be around for them as long as possible. Psychologically, I want to prove to myself that I have the determination to complete a long-term and difficult project like this. I also want to feel more confident in my appearance, which I hope will lead to an overall improved awareness of self and overall self-confidence.

Why are you putting it online?
I don't know if people will read or care about my story. The main reason I am putting it online is to allow me to document my journey. It is also a tool to hold me accountable. If I know I have to document my progress publicly each week then I am much more likely to stick with the program.

Where are you starting from?
It's not pretty, but it's the truth and it's me. I start the program at 5'6" and 208 lbs with a 36" waist.

What are your goals?
My goals are fat and inches loss, increased upper body strength and an overall more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

What are your first steps?
I begin the exercise and diet program tomorrow. My first steps today are preparation including food shopping and meal prep. I am also attempting to drink one gallon of water today in preparation to do it each day of the program.